Man became free, but did not become free: why is it dangerous to remain Volnyja in Belarus...

Even if it seems that all the horror is in the past, the penal system of Belarus still functions.

Together with the human rights organization Human Constanta, the Volnyja have raised restrictions on the rights of convicted people, which apply even after serving their sentence.

There are 3 types prescribed in the legislation of the Republic of Belarus

restriction of the rights of convicted persons after serving their sentence:

  • Preventive accounting – for any crimes
  • Preventive surveillance
  • Preventive supervision - for serious (for example, "inciting hatred", "facilitating extremist activities", "creating an extremist formation") or especially serious (for example, "conspiracy", "act of terrorism") crimes

This also applies to free political prisoners.

Preventive accounting

Authorized employees visit a registered person at their place of residence, study or work at least once a month. The periodicity of the visit can be any.

Also, on preventive registration, a person is obliged to attend preventive activities (lectures or watching films) at least once a month.

The duration of the event should not exceed 1 hour.

Preventive accounting is terminated from the moment of repayment or expungement of the criminal record.

Preventive surveillance

A person must:

  • to inform the traffic police in advance about a change of residence and about going to another area for personal reasons for a period of more than one month
  • attend the ATS on call and, if necessary, give explanations regarding their behavior and lifestyle

Preventive supervision is effective until the conviction is expunged or expunged.

The regime of preventive supervision can be changed to the regime of preventive supervision, in the event that a person is brought to administrative responsibility more than 2 times during the year.

Preventive supervision

A person does NOT have a right

  • visit certain places
  • leave your home at a certain time of day
  • travel outside the district or city both on official and personal matters without the consent of the internal affairs body
  • to travel outside Belarus.

Employees of the ATS have the right

  • interrogate a person
  • call for preventive talks (including in the presence of your friend or manager at work)
  • demand information about his behavior from people from the environment
  • enter at any hour of the day into the residence of a person who is under surveillance.

In addition, a person is obliged to visit the territorial body of the ATS for registration from 1 to 4 times per month.

Validity period: from 6 months to 2 years, or until the conviction is expunged.

‍ What will happen if you don't obey?

For failure to comply with the requirements of preventive supervision

or preventive surveillance may result in administrative liability – a fine or arrest for up to 15 days according to Article 25.11 of the Code of Administrative Offenses.

If a person is brought to administrative responsibility twice during the year for violating the requirements of preventive supervision , a criminal case may be initiated against him under Article 421 of the Criminal Code (arrest or imprisonment for up to 1 year). Evasion from preventive supervision is also subject to criminal liability under Article 422 of the Criminal Code (imprisonment for up to two years).

Failure to comply with preventive accounting measures can be interpreted as "disobeying the legal requirements of an official" and punishable by a fine or arrest according to Article 24.3 of the Code of Administrative Offenses.


According to the decision of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, the majority of those convicted on political grounds are included in the list of citizens involved in extremist activities .


- professional prohibitions:

  • for pedagogical and publishing activities,
  • activities related to the circulation of drugs, psychotropic substances, weapons, ammunition and explosives,
  • occupying public positions and completing military service,

- special control of financial transactions,

- grounds for refusal to issue a visa or entry permit to Belarus for foreign citizens and stateless persons.

Volnyja will be free!

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