How to restore trust in the world?

Psychologist Volnyja answers

What is trust?

Trust is confidence based on personal experience of communication and support.

It is necessary to understand: this is not a guarantee, but an assumption that another person can be trusted, that people will reciprocate our actions and respond to needs. We second-guess who we can open up to and share our feelings, thoughts, and resources with without fear of being judged or hurt.

Why should you trust?

Trust is about security and support. Trust builds the foundation for emotional stability and healthy relationships with the world and yourself. It allows you to feel confident and predictable, to get close to people, to be interested without fear.

If there is trust

  • We are not afraid to ask for and receive support
  • We are going to meet the new, we are interested
  • We easily read communication signals, facial expressions, intonation
  • More energy remains, less rest is required
  • There is a space for expressing emotions - other people
  • There is no fear of being judged or hurt

If there is no trust

  • We spend our energy on control, verification of communication signals and facts
  • We feel danger, fear, tension
  • It is difficult or impossible to approach people
  • It is impossible to improvise, to make quick decisions
  • We need more time for rest, rethinking of events
  • It is difficult to introduce new things into life, to get to know each other, to change

Where does trust come from?

Trust in the world grows stronger from childhood, when parents are nearby and you can rely on them. They give insight: “The world is safe and friendly. And if there are troubles, we will help them overcome them and withstand emotions."

Self-confidence is built on the experience of contact with significant people: did the child receive enough care, did adults support his wishes and spontaneous aspirations (within reasonable limits), did they give him the right to vote and independence?

Over time, we face situations of unjustified trust. We learn from our experiences and become less trusting. But it is important not to lose faith in the world at all.

Trust is strengthened by reliable and secure connections with other people. When we feel our needs will be met and our boundaries respected, we become more willing to open up and trust.

Trust develops gradually through open communication and understanding, and through actions that demonstrate trustworthiness and honesty.

How to build trust?

Wedge with wedge drives. Broken trust must be restored through positive experiences. Strive to build trusting relationships that provide support, respect for the individual, and opportunity for self-expression.

Reflection. It is important to be aware of your own emotions and their origin. This will help to avoid transferring negative experiences of the past to current events. If it is difficult to figure it out on your own, you can turn to a psychologist.

Symmetry. It is important that you are willing to share your feelings and thoughts, treat the other person with care and understand that you will not hurt his/her feelings and he/she will hurt yours.

Sincerity. Open and honest communication is the basis for a healthy relationship. But it must be remembered that trust develops gradually and requires time and effort.

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