Pride beautifies

Volnyja are proud to be Belarusians! Let's join the joint action of Worthy, Honest People and Budzma #honorpregozhvae

The members of our team told what they are proud of and what distinguishes our Belarusianness.

Veronika Stankevich, coordinator of the Volnyja initiative

"In 2021, I got a tattoo with the image of Belarus. It was a way to document an important episode in my life – the events of 2020. My tattoo is a symbol of the fact that I was a witness and participant of these events. This is a constant reminder that I am proud to be Belarusian . My tattoo has become part of my history and memory, it inspires me to move on."

Zhenya, manager of the mentoring program

"I am proud of the fact that we were not silent and will not be silent. Although the events of the 20th year and all that followed are very painful, I do not regret that we started this battle. And I feel very warm from the fact that in this battle there are people like my colleagues, like our mentors, like those political prisoners we are waiting for and those who came out and need our help. Being surrounded by such strong spirited people is expensive."

Zmityr Furmanov, technical manager

"I am proud of our Free People, because they did not betray themselves, their values and continue to fight for Free Belarus. I am proud of our mentors, because they support and help Free Belarus, that is, they bring the time of Free Belarus closer. I am proud of our team because it provides all the necessary tools and education to our mentors. I am proud that we are Belarusians!".

Lisa, copywriter

"After moving, it became even more important and difficult to feel one's own Belarusian identity. That's why I moved my books in Belarusian and organized a book club. We read and discuss works in our native language. It is interesting that the club brings together those who left and those who stayed. And the discussions themselves became therapeutic group sessions, where we share our feelings and define our Belarusianness. I am proud of how caring Belarusian women are around me . It's very nice to notice how much warmth and hope we still have despite everything."

We are proud of our mentors , who support Freelancers every day and make our society stronger.

‍ We are proud of the Free - our heroes and heroines who continue to be proactive, active and incredible.

We are proud of you – our subscribers, friends, donors and the best audience.

Thank you for your attention, support and participation in our activities!