Conference of Belarusian men and women of the world III

On March 23, Volnyja participated in the Conference of Belarusian men and women of the world III, which took place in Prague.

At the event, the coordinator of the initiative, Veronika Stankevich @cheshirskii_kot, spoke about our work, the problem of the lack of support for former political prisoners of Belarus and their families, as well as the possibilities of providing assistance that every Belarusian abroad has.

Thanks to the organizers for the opportunity to become more visible and speak loudly about the problem and yourself.

And for our unity around helping the Free and their loved ones, we share our suggestions.

The problem

More than 1,600 officially recognized political prisoners of Belarus have already been released .

But a single system of resocialization has not been developed for them.

Repression against political prisoners continues after release.

What can you do?

Belarusians and Belarusian abroad

Join us as a mentor to do good for one person.

For mentors we have:

Support from the initiative team

Guides to all initiatives

Community of caring Belarusian_ac

Tell others about the problem and help!


  • Joint CSR projects
  • Organization of trainings, master classes for you and your employees
  • Financial support of specific Freelancers (patronage)
  • Employment

For other methods, contact personal!


  • Advocate for former political prisoners as a separate group that needs support (legalization, rehabilitation, other forms of assistance)
  • Talk about existing support initiatives so people know where to go


  • Use our educational program to improve communication skills with vulnerable groups
  • Mutual aid
  • Exchange of experience


Continue to talk about us, the problem and ways to solve it.

Thanks for the mentions and interest!

Together we can overcome much more!