How does it work? The mentor talks about cooperation with Volnyja

Mentor Volnyja

Congratulations! I'm 26 years old, I'm an IT researcher and journalist, but currently unemployed.

I came to Volnyja in August 2023. After emigrating, I realized that I felt strong enough to help someone else.

I read a lot in the literature about the terrible camp system of the People's Union and how it affected society - when a significant percentage of the population went through "correctional" institutions. I thought about it when people outraged by the events of August 2020 began to be sent to colonies for 3-5-10 years. She understood that everyone would need help after prison. And if we are able to help with money, work, PR, and documents, then how can we give councils the task of resocializing these people? Therefore, when I saw a post about recruitment of volunteers for Volnyja, I left the application without any doubt.

It is important for me that the prison culture does not return to our society, as it permeated the everyday life of the Soviet and post-Soviet reality.

Preparation for the meeting with Volnyja

Usually, they send me the history of the ward, which describes the family situation, the country of residence, and the type of activity. It is especially important to learn about the history of political persecution and the critical issues that need to be addressed first. I receive information about arrests, day and searches from the initiative team, so there is no need to bring up sensitive details at the first meeting, unless the ward wants to share them herself.

Reminder: the manager supports only 1 Volnyja. But he can take the next one after the resocialization of his mentee.

Acquaintance with Volnyja

I schedule a call to get to know each other and make a work plan. First of all, I find out whether a person has a steady source of income, what is the state of his psychological and physical health. If I am dealing with a ward in emigration, I additionally ask at what stage of legalization the person is at. I give my ward space for any questions and stories.

It is important for some to tell their personal story, how they ended up in correctional institutions and how they got out. Others partly talk about the move or the situation of the children. It is not my job to advise or suggest something - people in difficult life circumstances need to be listened to.

Action plan

After the conversation, we make a plan with 1-5 first steps. Part of the work falls on the ward – I only suggest initiatives and institutions that you can turn to for help. But in order not to waste Volnyja's time and nerves, I will take on some of the questions. For example, to find out which initiative is most likely to be helped financially. While I make 3-5 requests for initiatives, the mentee can prepare documents, write a resume, or just relax with family/friends.

The process of resocialization

Further, we work according to the arrival of new needs - we write or call 1-2 times a week, then less often. It is normal if only household and financial issues are raised at the first meeting. Later, the ward can ask for advice in writing a resume or finding a friend in a new country. This proves that everything is going according to plan, Volnyja closes critical problems step by step and can think about professional realization or how to establish communication with other people.

The process of resocialization

The number of requests from wards decreases over time - and this is completely normal. A person is increasingly able to cope independently, which means that we are making progress in resocialization. The mentoring program lasts 3-6 months, but it is important to focus on the individual situation.

What's next?

If there are no new requests for a few weeks, we can ask Volnyja about the readiness to complete the mentoring support. When we receive approval – the psychologist conducts a final meeting, we receive feedback on how the mentee was with us and say goodbye. Of course, if the situation changes, he or she can contact us again.

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