Vocabulary Volnyja

Volnyja - that's what we call political prisoners of Belarus who have been released from places of restriction of freedom. 

We help all former police prisoners, regardless of location.

Relatives and friends of Volnyja can also turn to us for help.

Resocialization is the process of returning to life in a new or different society. 

For those Volnyja, resocialization helps restore skills, confidence and self-esteem.

Resocialization is also useful for society. It brings back its active and useful members, solidifies and consolidates.

Adaptation is adaptation of the organism to changing living conditions. The process is individual and may take a different amount of time. Volnyja, along with resocialization, adapt to new or forgotten conditions.

Researchers believe that a more or less comfortable life after global changes (the integration phase) begins only after 6 months-2 years.

A mentor (within the Volnyja initiative) is a person who helps one or another of the Volnyja during the resocialization process.

A mentor becomes a source of knowledge and answers to life's questions, inspires and supports her mentee.

A mentee is a ward of a mentor. That is, as part of the Volnyja initiative, the mentees for the mentor become Volnyja.

We become closer and stronger when we help each other.

Join the Volnyja mentor!