The results of the survey of relatives of former politicians

We asked relatives of former political prisoners to anonymously fill out a questionnaire to determine who and what kind of help might be needed.

Of those who passed our survey: 80% women, 20% men

Of those who answered the questions , only 33.3% are in emigration . The rest stay at home.

⅓ of those surveyed. So many of the relatives of former politicians did NOT turn to initiatives for help. In other words, the majority of the respondents (was) in need of an undertone.

Age of survey participants

Relatives of different age groups participated in the survey

18-25 years old – 20%

26-35 years old – 73.3%

Over 55 years old – 6.7%

Degree of kinship

We asked "Which of the relatives was reprisaled?" and received the following answers:  

Husband 16.7%

Child 41.7%

Partner 16.7%

Wife 8.3%

Sister 8.3%

uncle 8.3%

Earlier, in July 2023, the Volnyja initiative conducted a survey among freed political activists. Then most of the interviewees noted that it was "relatives/relatives" who helped them in the process of resocialization.

Data on the relatives of former political prisoners helps us understand who exactly supports the Free People in difficult times.

Thank you very much everyone for the answers!  

It is very nice to understand how many warm and caring Belarusians there are around!

Let's stick together ❤️