Źmicier Furmanaŭ. History of the former belarusian political prisoner

Źmicier Furmanaŭ

"I left Belarus on the day of liberation, when I gave an interview to the media, because I needed to spread the truth"

History of the former belarusian political prisoner

Źmicier Furmanaŭ was detained while collecting votes for presidential candidates on May 29, 2020. 

Sentenced to 2 years of imprisonment in a colony under the general regime. He was released on October 21, 2021, having served his full term.

Now Źmicier lives in Vilnius and notes that it took him a year to resocialize:

"Resocialization coincided with the program of integration into Lithuanian society, but it was not possible to raise the Lithuanian language to a high level, because it is quite difficult."

Throughout his imprisonment, Źmicier was supported by his girlfriend, Volya. She waited for him and advised him to eat abroad after his release because of the risk of being behind bars again. The couple got married already in Lithuania.

What are your plans for the future?

"Now, my wife Volya and I are opening a store-space and we dream that it will work for the benefit of Belarusians, that is, to preserve the self-identity of Belarusian culture and language," says Źmicier.

About difficulties

Źmicier notes that the most difficult thing after his release was parting with his parents: because of the move, they only saw each other for a few hours.

There is still the fear of locked doors when he stays indoors. 

Problems of the Volnyja

Źmicier knows from his own experience that difficulties do not end after release:

"I believe that every Volnyja needs a mentor, because after liberation, people do not understand many things and do not know what to do. As with a child, you need the reliable shoulder of an adult and responsible person who will support and guide you in the right direction."​​

Support of the relatives of the Volnyja

"The relatives of the Volnyja also need support, because many do not know how to help, where to turn, and what rights and opportunities they and their relatives have in general. And we in the Volnyja initiative can tell about it and make support available," Źmicier shares his opinion.

If we support the Volnyja, we care about the future Belarusian society.

Let's be united and join mentor! ‍